

Postpartum days are way more challenging for the new parents. Isolated family systems, young parents, no idea about what to do exactly with child, a lot of anxiety, fear, and guilt of failure, unable to put efforts in dedicated parenting due to work culture.

The above list turns your dreamy motherhood into a wild nightmare within few days post-delivery and gradually irritation, mood swings, sadness, worthlessness, depression start coming into the scene. Eventually, it affects your child’s health and family environment.

This program is the savior in these challenges.

ayurvedic postpartum Program

The program is majorly divided into 4 stages.

The way you eat and what you choose to eat in first 45 days after delivery determines your recovery and health for next 40 years. our expert doctor designs a customized weekly diet for first 6 weeks. Diet includes food options which helps to ignite your digestive fire (agni) and reduce vitiated (vaata dosha) in your body. Foods influencing breast milk production are also taken into consideration.

Stress is a major factor to reduce down breast milk supply. Sudden changes in hormones after delivery impacts the mental health of a new mother which if not treated in time might go into postpartum depression. Our Program provides melodious soothing ancient classical music for new life and music for babies. meditations to relax your mind and help your body to recover providing calmness and serenity. Meditation is an effective non-pharmacological way to reduce stress and anxiety.

Motherhood is a very delicate phase and here you need a good coach to make you understand the weird body and mind changes. Also handling a newborn gets easier if you have the appropriate knowledge. our program provides all possible tricks and tips about growth, milestones, activities, and baby’s routine. week wise baby growth updates are included.

Ayurveda recommends following a specific lifestyle routine in the postpartum phase which includes some Ayurvedic procedures. This program includes the guidance for the specific procedures to be followed like Abhyanga and Dhupan. Regular doctors connect is very important to understand the progress of one’s health Continuous Doctor’s connect is the most important service of this program.

The Ayurvedic Postpartum Program contains the following resources.



The only intention of this section is the nourishment of the growing baby and recovering mother. Diet is the first major component for enough Breast milk supply. 6 weeks of postpartum are very crucial for a speedy recovery of the mother.

We provide weekly diet and Ayurvedic formulations necessary to balance the vitiated vaata dosha in the mother’s body, to maintain iron and calcium lost in the pregnancy and childbirth process


understanding motherhood

Understanding motherhood

The baby needs a minimum of 6-8 weeks to set her routine outside the womb in this new world. The moment you feel that you are in sync with the baby’s pattern, it gets changed completely again. You can be confident and ready to tackle the motherhood challenges if you are prepared with the knowledge beforehand.
This section provides you information about everything from the baby’s poops, sleeping patterns, milestones, growth spurts, behavioral changes, activities, and a lot more.


Calm your mind

Calm your mind

Ayurveda has advised some specific classical raagas to be heard or practiced in the postpartum phase to overcome anxiety, stress, and postpartum blues.
Baby rhymes, devotional songs, specific shlokas, mantras in this section allow you to nurture your child in a spiritually healthy environment sending positive vibes around.
Daily affirmations, meditations will give some moments of peace and positivity to your hassle-filled schedule.


Postpartum care

Postpartum care

Mothers are least prioritized once the baby arrives in the family. It’s time to understand that both mother and child take new birth during delivery. A woman in postpartum needs utmost care so that she gets prepared to bring her child well both physically and mentally.
We guide periodically for the procedures that need to be done as per Ayurveda advised in “Sutika Paricharya